Moloa’s Bay Ranch and 50% of Kauai Ranch are sold

Cornerstone forms its first partnership with Monarch Investment and Management Group (MIMG), a multi-family real estate company base in Colorado. Cornerstone has continued to partner with MIMG on a number of multi-family projects.
First partnership with Monarch Investment & Management Group to purchase multi-family assets throughout the Midwest.
First partnership with Olympus Properties on its acquisition of Mosaic, a 40 unit apartment tower in downtown Dallas.
First partnership with Harridge Development Group on acquisition of the Metropolitan, a mixed-use development located in Hollywood, CA.
An investment is made in Apex Towers (formerly Pegasus), a wireless tower development company, and commits equity to initially develop a 75-100 tower portfolio. The investment is a partnership with the Attar Family.

Cornerstone Holdings is formed to manage the family’s investments in various real estate and private equity deals.
The family starts Urban Green Investments, a San Francisco based company, to invest in Bay Area real estate.

The family starts Urban Green Investments (UGI), a real estate company based in San Francisco, to invest primarily in Bay area real estate. The company also partners with development groups in other markets in the United States.
UGI partnered with Harridge Development Group on the acquisition of the Metropolitan, a mixed-use development in Hollywood in 2011.
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